Telephone: 01903 234 363
Mobile: 07384 022205

Save BIG on any new SsangYong/KGM

Fancy a big saving on any new KGM?

If you’re a frontline worker, working in a trade, or part of a countryside group we’ll be able to save you masses on your next car! We have multiple savings available based on your status,

for example are you:

Builder/Electrician/Contractor or construction trade of any kind?
Farmer or agriculture industry of any kind?
Civil service currently or retired?
Logistics/delivery services?
National Trust member?

In which case you save!

Call, Message or WhatsApp now to find out how much you could save on 07384 022205

Who regulates us?

Peter W Phillips and Ian F Wrigley are appointed representatives of Clarion Cars and are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA No 659758). Clarion Cars permissions allows it to act as a credit broker, not as a lender, for the introduction to a limited number of lenders.

We are Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA No: 659758 Finance is Subject to status.


If you have any issues with either our finance products, vehicles or services please feel free to contact us to discuss in the first instance. For regulated finance complaints post please use the following address: The Dealer Principal, Clarion Cars, 84 South Street, Worthing, BN147LS

Or email directly to E-mail:

If we cannot resolve your complaint within 8 weeks, you may refer your dispute to the Financial Ombudsman Service. This service is free to use.

Their consumer helpline is available on 

Their website is available on

© 1982-2023 PW Phillips and IF Wrigley trading as Clarion Cars. All rights reserved. Web Site by Autoweb